Chemicals For Swimming Pools

Chemicals And Natural Cleaners For Swimming Pools

When it comes to pool maintenance and treatment, balancing the pool’s chemical levels, sanitizing, oxidizing, and preventing algae from happening is a priority. The pool’s water balance is measured for its alkalinity, pH, calcium hardness, temperature, total dissolved solids, levels of cyanuric acid, and the chemicals utilized for its treatment. All those pieces work together to maintain a healthy and safe pool for everyone to use.

Organic, Natural, and Nontoxic – What do These Terms Really Mean?

Organic, Natural, and Nontoxic— What do these terms really mean?

These words are frequently used on product labels (especially our beauty and cleaning products), but what do they really mean? My family looks at me a little odd when Saturday morning cleaning time rolls around. I am dressed in my old goggles from undergraduate chemistry lab, an N95 face mask, bright blue elbow-high latex gloves, […]

How To Make 70% Ethanol From 100% Ethanol (200 Proof)

How To Make 70% Ethanol From 100% Ethanol (200 Proof)

Discover how easy it is to make your own 70% ethanol from 100% ethanol (200 proof) in this guide. You can buy 70% ethanol (140 proof ethyl alcohol) solutions online from Lab Alley or make your own. 70% ethanol solutions are used in homes for cleaning and in schools for disinfecting. In labs, 70% ethanol is used for herbal tinctures, histology, sterilization, DNA and RNA extraction.

How To Use And Buy Food Grade Calcium Carbonate Powder

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Food Grade Calcium Carbonate Powder is an extremely healthy, nutritious and safe all natural ingredient. This white crystalline compound is very popular with gardeners, culinarians and painters. It increases the pH of acidic soils. It is needed by the body for healthy bones, muscles, nervous system, and heart. It makes paint more dense and extends pigments.